BRASIL WEEKEND in Prague is coming soon! |
Napsal Grupo Capoeira Mandela
Hey guys,
Grupo Mandela prepare for you BRASIL WEEKEND in Prague.
You can look forward to Contra Mestre Couro Seco, who will teach you
capoeira angola, mandinga, theatre, singing, berimbau musical
instruments, maculelé dance and many more for kids and adults too.
We begin on Friday 23th November:
16:00 - 18:00 CAPOEIRA KIDS DAY
This capoeira lesson is designed for children from 5 to 13 years (beginners and intermediate).
Price: 400,- Kč /120 minutes (price includes compulsory berimbau hire for 150,- Kč)
Teacher: Mestre Baratino, Contra Mestre Couro Seco
On Saturday 24th November we begin day with ZUMBRASIL DANCE CLASS for all
categories. Start at 12:00 - 13:30.
Price 300,- Kč for 90 minutes. Teacher Contra Mestre Couro Seco.
Later we continue with CAPOEIRA WORSKHOP for adults, yeah!
14:00 - 15:30 CAPOEIRA FOR BEGINNERS - with Contra Mestre Couro Seco
15:30 - 16:30 BERIMBAU CLASS FOR BEGINNERS - with Mestre Baratino
15:30 - 17:00 CAPOEIRA FOR INTERMEDIATE - with Contra Mestre Couro Seco
17:00 - 18:00 BERIMBAU CLASS FOR INTERMEDIATE - with Contra Mestre Couro Seco
Price: 600,- Kč / 150 minutes (price includes compulsory berimbau hire for 150,- Kč)
All courses are at the MMA Academy, Wenceslaw Square 15, Prague 1.
by 12th October the latest!
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or 777 222 621!
FINAL PARTY on Saturday 24th November in Club DJ Station, Latino Music Bar, Štefánikova 7, Prague 5.
See you soon :)
Grupo Mandela