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All Stars Salsa Weekend Motion Vol.5 (1 zobrazeno) (1) Guest
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TÉMA: All Stars Salsa Weekend Motion Vol.5
salsamotionweekend (Uživatel)
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All Stars Salsa Weekend Motion Vol.5 14 roky staré  
We are pleased to inform you that yet another festival of salsa and other Caribbean dances - All Stars Salsa Weekend Motion Vol.5 will be held from 1st to 3rd April of 2011.

During the festival weekend in Belgrade will be held 30 workshops of national and international dance instructors: Salsa Cubana, La Salsa, Salsa Partnerwork, Bachata, Bachatango, Man and Lady Style Salsa, Rueda de Casino, Timba, Reggaeton, Cha Cha Cha, Latin Jazz, Dancehall , Latin Hip Hop, Salsa Footwork, Shines Salsa New York Style Salsa, Zumba, Afrorumba .........

Instructors at the festival will be: Isaias Rojas Ramirez (Cuba), Beige Zsuzsanna Böjte (Hungary), Vedran Marceta, Lane Karic Luba, Adi Bajčetić (Australia), Rok Cerkvenik, Varja Vitorovič, Donia Streher (Slovenia), Fabris Radin, Rosmarie Miletić, Dance school Tequila Mosquitos (Croatia), Ivan Jovanović (Montenegro), Dance school Salsa Primera, Lord, Havana, Ritmos del mundo, Allegro, Swing, Dance studio Ris, Nemanja Sonero, Jelena Cerovina, Darko Manasić i Dance center Belgrade (Serbia)

Belgrade and Serbia will host for the first time the famous director and choreographer of the folk ensemble Ban Rarrá from Cuba, Isaias Rojas Ramirez.

Isaias Rojas Ramirez graduated folk dance at the State School of Art and the Higher Institute of the Arts in Cuba. During his thirty year career as a professor, he taught high school in Jareju, vocational school of art at Guantanamo, the State School of Art (ENA), High Institute of the Arts (ISA), and taught the instructors of Cuban art and professors of state art schools. He was also a provincial methodologist for dance in Guantanamo and participated in the writing of many dissertations in the High Institute of the Arts.

The workshops will be followed by parties in the evenings during the three nights of the festival in the Belgrade's finest clubs with show performances of instructors and other participants and the best salsa DJs.

Video from last year's festival http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iBstkVfuDI8

Any additional information can be found on the official site of the festival www.salsamotionweekend.com

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Skype: vladimir.sukovic

Cetinjska 26a Street,
11000 Belgrade, Serbia
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